Meet the EC Admissions Team

Patrick Gillette

Patrick Gillette

Director of Admissions

(607) 735-1736

Cell: (607) 857-7784

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Territorial Responsibilities: 来自宾夕法尼亚州西部和弗吉尼亚州南部所有州的学生以及所有国际学生.

Hometown: Sayre, Pennsylvania

Educational background:
本科学院/学位:曼斯菲尔德大学, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies, Music minor. Graduate college/degree(s): Elmira College, 应急和灾害准备管理理学硕士

Justin Mattocks '19

Justin Mattocks '19

Assistant Director of Admissions

(607) 735-1741

Cell: (607) 259-9562

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Territorial responsibilities: 来自布法罗、罗切斯特、锡拉丘兹、宾汉姆顿、mg冰球突破豪华版下载和南部地区的新生.

Adirondacks, Catskills, Central Hudson Valley, Lower Hudson Valley, NYC (all five boroughs), Long Island, Saint Lawrence Valley, and Tri Cities

Hometown: Alba, Pennsylvania

Educational background:
Undergraduate college/degree(s): Elmira College, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Concentration in Management

Favorite things about Elmira College: 当我开始我的大学生之旅时,mg冰球突破豪华版下载很快成为了我的家外之家. 我真的很喜欢校园里的社区意识. 作为一名新生,我在夏季和秋季的迎新会上遇到了我一生中最好的朋友. 你被当作一个个体而不是一个数字来尊重和对待.

Taylor Szymanski

Taylor Szymanski

Assistant Director of Admissions

(607) 735-1749

Cell: (607) 207-6441

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Territorial responsibilities: 首次入学的学生来自特拉华州的各个地区, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New England, Virginia, and Washington D.C.

Hometown: Scranton, Pennsylvania

Educational background: 本科学院/学位:宾夕法尼亚曼斯菲尔德大学, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies with a minor in Psychology; Luzerne County Community College, 幼儿教育应用科学副学士学位,具有准专业证书

Favorite things about Elmira College: The small class sizes, the campus environment, 和位于考尔斯大厅内的彼得森教堂是我最喜欢mg冰球突破豪华版下载的地方. The student to professor ratio is 8:1, 因此,学生们真正得到了一对一的互动,并与每位教授建立了联系, which I love most about the college. Another, 校园环境如何真正让学生和教师觉得mg冰球突破豪华版下载是他们的家. Lastly, 彼得森教堂的定制窗口展示了发生在埃尔迈拉的事件以及大学社区的传统.

Jennifer Robinson

Jennifer Robinson

Transfer Counselor

(607) 735-1705

Cell: (607) 426-2951

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Territorial responsibilities: Transfer students

Hometown: Elmira, New York

Educational background:
本科学院/学位:俄亥俄大学,基础教育理学学士. 研究生院/学位:克莱姆森大学,教育、指导和咨询硕士

Favorite things about Elmira College: I love the beauty of the campus. 20多年前,我们的结婚照是在校园里拍的,最近我儿子的毕业舞会照也是在那里拍的. 这么美的背景来庆祝我们家最珍贵的时刻!

Anise Barone

Anise Barone

Admissions Counselor

(607) 735-1912

Cell: (607) 367-0692

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Territorial responsibilities: Adirondacks, Catskills, Central Hudson Valley, Lower Hudson Valley, NYC (all five boroughs), Long Island, Saint Lawrence Valley, and the Tri-Cities

Hometowns: Dora, New Mexico; Austin, Texas; and now Elmira, New York

Educational background: 本科学院/学位:新墨西哥州立大学, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Services; Austin Community College, Teacher Certification

Favorite things about Elmira College: mg冰球突破豪华版下载的历史和传统对我有着特殊的吸引力. 事实是,许多强大的成功人士(尤其是女性)已经走在我的前面,并将继续探索终身学习的旅程, 在mg冰球突破豪华版下载的小班教学和个性化计划中得到了很好的培养.

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